yes both of em, I've post a pice of the config file ;)
yes either, both has validate(ActionMapping arg0, HttpServletRequest
arg1) signature.
My struts version is 1.2.9.

Looking at the logs, for the action/form that just skip validation:
    [java] [OPDIGITAL] DEBUG [HttpRequestHandler-6148719]
RequestUtils.createActionForm(300) |  -->
    [java] [OPDIGITAL] DEBUG [HttpRequestHandler-6148719]
RequestProcessor.processActionForm(339) |  Storing ActionForm bean
instance in scope 'request' under attribute key 'cadastrarVotanteForm'
    [java] [OPDIGITAL] DEBUG [HttpRequestHandler-6148719]
RequestProcessor.processPopulate(805) |  Populating bean properties
from this request
    [java] [OPDIGITAL] DEBUG [HttpRequestHandler-6148719]
RequestProcessor.processValidate(948) |  Validating input form
    [java] [OPDIGITAL] DEBUG [HttpRequestHandler-6148719]
RequestProcessor.processValidate(953) |   No errors detected,
accepting input

Well no errors detected? It does not even calls my validate method...

Now for the other action:

 [java] [OPDIGITAL] DEBUG [HttpRequestHandler-20077295]
RequestUtils.createActionForm(294) |  Creating new ActionForm instance
of type 'com.synos.pbh.opdigital.view.form.mailing.VisitanteForm'
    [java] [OPDIGITAL] DEBUG [HttpRequestHandler-20077295]
RequestUtils.createActionForm(300) |  -->
    [java] [OPDIGITAL] DEBUG [HttpRequestHandler-20077295]
RequestProcessor.processActionForm(339) |  Storing ActionForm bean
instance in scope 'request' under attribute key
    [java] [OPDIGITAL] DEBUG [HttpRequestHandler-20077295]
RequestProcessor.processPopulate(805) |  Populating bean properties
from this request
    [java] [OPDIGITAL] DEBUG [HttpRequestHandler-20077295]
RequestProcessor.processValidate(948) |  Validating input form
    [java] [OPDIGITAL] DEBUG [HttpRequestHandler-20077295]
RequestProcessor.processValidate(980) |  Validation failed, returning
to '/'

This time, as the validate method is called, and it fails, i get the
proper message.

Dude I hate this little bugs, Im sure I missed something somewhere ...

On 7/4/06, David Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do they both have action mapping with 'validate="true"'?

Do they both have the same signature for you personal validate() method in
ActionForm?  (i.e. not in Action but ActionForm).  Remember, the method
signature must match YOUR version of struts.

Are there any errors in your log files that might shed some light on this?


-----Original Message-----
From: Vinicius Carvalho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 12:34 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Validation problems: again...

Hum, how could the one of them being validated them? If both extend
ActionForm? I gave up from validation plugin, I'm writing my own
validate method, isn't validate called even from ActionForm


On 7/4/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You write:
>  >>Can someone explain me this? Both form extend ActionForm and both
actions extend a common action.
> Vinicius, I think you need to refer to my previous email: ActionForm does
not validate. You need to extend from ValidatorActionForm or ValidatorForm.
The first valdiates based on URI, the second on the form name.
> Paul
> Vinicius Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Well, I've just quit
the validation on strtuts (based on
> commons-validator). So I've decided to use dumb manual validation.
> Well problem is, I still can't get one of my forms to validate!!!!!
> HereĀ“ my struts-config:
> type="com.synos.pbh.opdigital.view.form.votacao.CadastrarVotanteForm">
> type="com.synos.pbh.opdigital.view.form.mailing.VisitanteForm">
> type="com.synos.pbh.opdigital.view.action.votacao.CadastrarVotante"
> name="cadastrarVotanteForm" input="/">
> validate="true"
> name="cadastrarVisitanteForm" input="/">
> What's really pissing me off is that the first formbean/action mapping
> is just ignoring the validate phase, but the second don't. Can someone
> explain me this? Both form extend ActionForm and both actions extend a
> common action.
> How come this be possible? Please, I tried everthing I know and
> nothing seems to make it work, I must be missing a spot somewhere,
> just can't find it.
> Regards
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