I'd like to announce the release of Strecks 1.0 beta 3. Strecks is a set of extensions to Struts aimed at Java 5 users aimed at streamlining development of Struts application with features such as POJO actions, interceptors, dependency injections, data binding, etc. For more details see http://strecks.sourceforge.net/

Strecks 1.0 beta 3 can be downloaded from http://strecks.sourceforge.net/download.php

The main changes in this recent release involve some internal refactorings to easily support the Struts 1.3 when it becomes GA (General Availability). Users will be able to configure Strecks using the Struts 1.3 chain of responsibility request processor (as well as continue to use the Struts 1.2 request processor). However, the main targeted Struts version will continue to be 1.2 until Struts 1.3 becomes GA.

Strecks 1.0 beta 3 involves the following changes:

- refactored processor internals to allow for simpler support of 1.3.x and its chain of responsibility-based request processor - proper packaging of Strecks .tld file in jar. Changed tag URI to http://strecks.sourceforge.net/tags - changed interface of ActionContextFactory to use PropertyDescriptor rather than InputSetter

Phil Zoio

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