
We are holding our twentieth birds-of-a-feather (BOF 20) of the Java Web Users Group in London, UK.

The speakers:

        Emmanuel, Okyere
                `` RIFE : The Java EE Petstore Edition''

        Emmanuel has been hard at work convert the (in)famous J2EE Petstore
        application into RIFE. This is an opportunity to learn about
        RIFE and see what it is all about in comparison to a web
        frame work like Struts or Java Server Faces. RIFE is an innovative
        framework, for example the ``continuations'' part of it has been used
        in other Java web framework like the forthcoming
        Struts Framework  2.0. This is great chance to learn what other
        luminaries, e.g. Geert Bevin are doing in this web technology space.

        Peter Pilgrim
                `` Rearchitecting Legacy J2EE Applications with Spring ''

        This is talks presents hints and tips on using the refactoring
        core J2EE functionalities with the Spring Framework.
        In particular Peter will talk about refactoring legacy EJBs
        into Spring-EJB. He will advise how to manage those application
        context files. He will describe the best avenues to get
        your IT workshop to think about using and/or doing more Agile
        development techniques.

For more information jump to here http://jroller.com/page/javawug . Thanks!

Peter Pilgrim  ( Windows XP / Thunderbird 1.5 )

_________                         ___________________  + Expert Java
______  /_____ ___   _______ _    ___  ____/__  ____/  + Enterprise
___ _  /_  __ `/_ | / /  __ `/    __  __/  __  __/     + Design
/ /_/ / / /_/ /__ |/ // /_/ /     _  /___  _  /___     + Architecture
\____/  \__,_/ _____/ \__,_/      /_____/  /_____/     + Web New Age

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