
That was my exact thoughts.  I saw the set bean in the DTD, and was
curious why an implementation of get bean wasn't implemented.  I'd
imagine it is similar in required dev work.  I was hoping one of the
struts dev folks would chime in on the subject.  I will continue to use
bean messaging within each of my jsps, but it would be nice to handle it
from a tiles def perspective. 


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:04 AM
To: Justin Chin; user@struts.apache.org
Subject: RE: bean access in tile def?

What's always got me about this issue is that the following:

Use and Set Bean in configuration file
It is now possible to use and set beans in the configuration file. Such
bean can then be set as a <put> or <putList> tag value.
This increase and facilitate menu creation.

Is listed as 'news' on Cedric's site
(http://www2.lifl.fr/~dumoulin/tiles/), dated to May 2002. Anyone know
what this is in reference to?


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