> Hi All,
> I have this scenario:
> In my application, the user has the possibility of openning multiple
> windows (browser) simutaneously.
> In this case, each new window makes requests for data thru a struts
> action.
> That means, one user can make multiple requests to the servlet container
> (Tomcat 5.5) at the "same time".
No problem there, this is made for it and, unless you use something else
than request scope bean for your struts action, it shouldn't be a
problem for struts too.
> The problem i have is concerning the performance.
> Since the user has oppened more than 4 windows, the browser (IE 6)
> becomes freezed.
> I have taken a look into the server and apparently there are no problems
> of memory or processor.
> For the Tomcat side, i did not see any disturbing problem concerning
> performance.
> What would you recommend as solutions for this kind of scenario ?
Dump the Threads of your jvm, you might simply be in a deadlock with
your application.
> Thanks in advance,
> Thiago de Almeida
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