Patil, Sheetal wrote:
hi everybody,
i am doing an application for an survay. here i have a list of questions
and i am getting answer by the users for that questions.
to read the answers i create an int array in actionform as
int[] answers;
and in jsp i write like
<html:text property="answers"/> <html:text property="answers"/>
in action i get the data as
answers[0] or answers[1] ect..
it works fine and i am able to get the answers filled by the user but now the problem is with updating an survay
for updating in action i put values in actionform as
and setted actionform to it's scope
now i can show the values stored in jsp using
<logic:iterate name="actionform" property="answers" id="ans">
<bean:write name="ans"/>
but the problem is that i want textboxes to get input for the questions
so i put as previously
<html:text property="answers"/> <html:text property="answers"/>
this displays textboxes and returns inseted values finely
but in textbox it shows address kind of thing rather than showing 100 /
200 in textbox
so is there any way to show values stored in array into textbox

You need to use indexed properties; property="answers" binds the control to the full array. Use property="answers[1]", property="answers[2]", ... You can fill in the index with a JSTL or RT expression.

Alternatively, take a look at the 'nested' tag library, which can help make this kind of thing easier to manage.


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