Pankaj Gupta wrote:
Hi All,

I am passing parameters to my JSP like:
<forward name="successActive" path="/hello.jsp?isActive=true" contextRelative="false"/>

and reading the parameter using logic:present tag which is not working:
<logic:present name="isActive">        < bean:message key = "activeTitle"/>

However if I do the same thing using scriptlets:
<% if(request.getParameter("isActive") != null
           && request.getParameter("isActive").equals("true") )
  < bean:message key = "activeTitle"/>

It works well. Please suggest what I am doing wrong.


Per the logic:present tag documentation [1], the 'name' attribute checks for a bean in some scope with the given name. You're trying to check for a request parameter, so you should be using the 'parameter' attribute instead of 'name'.



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