Jean-Marie Pitre wrote:

I am not sure is the right forum ...
I am working with struts and displaytag library.

You might want to try the displaytag forums/mailing lists too.

I want to display a table with a title value provided by a custom tag:
<display:table name="xxx" title="custom tag value"> .....

Have you got an idea to do this? my custom tag is : <cofi:textcontrol
param="1" text="xxx"/>

JSP tags cannot be 'nested' like that. You'll need to store the value returned by your custom tag into a scripting variable or something, unless displaytag offers some other means of specifying the title.

Here are a couple of generalized solutions using standard JSP techniques:

<c:set var="title"><cofi:textcontrol .../></c:set>
<display:table title="${title}" ...


<display:table ...>
  <jsp:attribute name="title"><cofi:textcontrol .../></jsp:attribute>

The syntax may be a bit off, but that's the general pattern.


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