Is your problem server side or client side?  If you problem is client side
then you should read the struts javadocs:

Or the User Guides:

Both of them mention a plugin property "stopOnFirstError":

<plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
  <set-property property="pathnames"
  <set-property property="stopOnFirstError" value="false"/>

Also, if you want to use the errorStyleClass with your validation I think I
understand your problem now.  At the very bottom of this letter I left in a
copy of the code you described using in your dispatch action.  You save
errors with 'saveMessages(request, messages);' which presumably saves
messages in the Globals.MESSAGE_KEY.  If you switch to 'saveErrors(request,
messages);' then it will save them in the Globals.ERROR_KEY which is used by
the errorStyleClass so it should be able to detect you have an ERROR and
automatically insert the html for "class='errorMsg'" whenever an error is
found.  For more information see this link where they talk about ERRORS and
MESSAGES being saved under different keys, as I've mentioned in my previous


>On 7/19/06, fea jabi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Yah, in the JSP where the errorStyleClass is working I am using
>>So, do I have to use html:errors? not html:messages?
>>yes, I am using DynaValidatorForm but calling validate from action class.
>>The validation is done in validator.xml
>>In dispath action class I have
>>ActionMessages messages = (ActionMessages)frm.validate( mapping, request
>>         if ( messages != null && !messages.isEmpty() ) {
>>             saveMessages(request, messages);
>>             return (mapping.findForward("validationFailed"));
>>         }
>>Should I be saving action errors instead of ActionMessages?

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