hi David,

Thanks for replying,

1) the no matter /tmp or /temp, it is ok, just a subdir.

2), you are right, enable catalina security manager may fix my problem, but
it will do the check up during runtime. I was wondering if there is any
solution without using that .... any ideas?

On 7/26/06, David Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1) Your path of "/var/../../temp/test123.jpg" suggests a UNIX style
Using standard UNIX conventions, that would make the actual path used by
your file be "/temp/test123.jpg".  Sadly, on every UNIX/Solaris/Linux/etc.
server I've ever worked on, the file system was named "/tmp", not "/temp".
Are you sure this subtle difference is not the problem?

2) Additionally, you mentioned you are using Tomcat.  It has a JAAS
file, $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/catalina.policy, in which you can change the
permissions allowed for various files, file types, and directories.  It is
possible you may need to alter that file with the correct GRANT
for "/temp" (or "/tmp" depending on what you are using).


-----Original Message-----
From: Antonio Petrelli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:22 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Uploading problem

Li ha scritto:
> yes, /temp existed
> if i just use normal java app to write on that machine, no problem.

Very strange...

> As long as i use tomcat to write to dir out of tomcat home dir, it has
> problem, i was trying to fix it without using catalina security manager

I don't think it is necessary simply because we have a webapp that
writes outside of Tomcat dir and that doesn't use it.
Try asking Tomcat's mailing list, maybe they have a solution. Also try
to write a simple servlet that writes in the same directory, so Tomcat
list people cannot say "It's a Struts issue" :-)

Sorry for not being helpful

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