I've change my validwhen rule into this :

           <field property="enterpriseName" depends="validwhen">
               <arg0 key="error.inscription.entreprise.nom" />
               <msg name= "validwhen" key= "errors.validwhen"/>
                   (((subscriptionType !=1)AND(*THIS*!=null)) OR

but it still doesn't work..

On 7/26/06, Jeremy Jardin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thank you myuch for your help, but I don't have any problem regarding
those show/hide method !

I'm just wondering if the fact of removing some fields in the form could
be at the origin of my validation matters ??

On 7/26/06, Irwan Nurwandi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Jeremy ..
> According to your code below, it seems that for the first time the jsp
> page load you're initialiaze the var variable into string "1". So the
> three object you've mention before automatically will not visible.
> try this and hope you can learn more ..
> Modify your jsp code
> <%
> String val = "";
> if (request.getParameter("subscriptionType") != null) {
>        val = request.getParameter ("subscriptionType") ;
> }
> else {
>        val = "1";
> }
> %>
> then create the javascript function ChangeUrl(x).
> <script language="javascript">
> function ChangeUrl(x) {
>       location.href = "yourActionToDisplayJsp.do?subscriptionType=" + x;
> }.
> </script>
> on your select tag call this function
> <html:select property="subscriptionType" styleId="inscrit"
> styleClass="form" onchange="ChangeUrl(this.value)">
> you do not need to modify another section of code ..
> hope this help ..
> Regards
> Irwan
> On 7/26/06, Jeremy Jardin < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hum,
> >
> > I mean my jsp is built dynamically.. so when my select box is set to
> "1",
> > my jsp is made with 4 fields.
> > But if my select box is set to "2", "3" or "4". my JSP page is made
> with 3
> > new fields.
> >
> > And I think that "hide" means present but not visible.. and "not
> display"
> > means not present in the page.
> >
> > I hope you'll understand, I'm sorry for my poor english.
> >
> >
> > SO, have a look at my jsp, it could be more comprehensive:
> >
> >                   <html:select property="subscriptionType"
> styleId="inscrit"
> > styleClass="form" onchange="ChangeUrl(this.form)">
> >                       <html:option value="1"><bean:message key="
> > inscription.particulier"/></html:option>
> >                       <html:option value="2"><bean:message key="
> > inscription.membre.entreprise"/></html:option>
> >                       <html:option value="3"><bean:message key="
> > inscription.professionnel"/></html:option>
> >                       <html:option value="4"><bean:message key="
> > inscription.elu"/></html:option>
> >                   </html:select></td>
> >                 </tr>
> >
> >                 <% String val = new String("1") ; %>
> >
> >             <logic:notEqual  name="startSubscriptionForm"
> > property="subscriptionType" value="<%=val%>">
> >
> >             <html:text property="enterpriseName" name="S_ENTREP"
> > styleId="nomentreprise" styleClass="form" size="20" value=""/>
> >             <html:text property="legalRepresentant" name="S_REPRES"
> > styleId="representant" styleClass="form" size="20"
> >               <html:text property="siren" styleId="siren"
> name="S_SIREN"
> > styleClass="form2" size="10" maxlength="14" value="" /></td>
> >
> >             </logic:notEqual>
> >
> > I just want those 3 fields (enterpriseName, legalRepresentant and
> siren) to
> > be required if select box != 1.
> >
> >
> > ??
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