I use Ajax transparently with Struts using AjaxAnywhere.

You app doesn't change and you don't violate the MVC pattern.

I don't remember if the examples provide a Struts example.

Check it out,

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Patil, Sheetal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> hello friends,
> i have one query with Ajax. in struts we separate model-view-controller,
> even that's struts purpose. 
> but now a days i am using Ajax, and i seen most of the examples are
> producing html code or data to display and sending it to client.
> but i think this is violating M-V-C pattern as it is directly producing
> data and sending to client.
> so please tell me if my thinking is right or worst.
> thanks in advance
> Shital Patil
> Sp

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