I have the following Combobox in my Struts Application:



<td><bean:message key="attendee.holidexCode"/>*</td>


<html:select property="attendeeVO.holidexCode" >

<html:option value="Choose Holidex"> </html:option> 

<html:options name="holidexCodeVector" /> 




Where holidexCodeVector is a simple Vector of Strings where currently only
three values are stored: 




I want to validate holidexCode using validation.xml




                    <arg0 key="attendee.holidexCode"/>



But the thing is, since the default value is "Choose Holidex" it considers
it a String and doesn't validate.


So I end up getting "Choose Holidex" as a possible Value.


I want to stop this. I want control to proceed only when they have choses
"IND", "AUS" or "USA" only.






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