Heh. Regular Expressions aren't for everyone - I happen to work w/ two engineers who live and die by them.

In your bean setter for the date, I'd make sure no exceptions could be thrown, or handle them - the code I took over from an engineer we had that left had this issue and it took me almost a week to track down what was going on between the validator and his code.


Scott Van Wart wrote:
Adam Gordon wrote:
IIOC, the only way you can do this with the stock validator is to use "mask" rather than "date" as the validator. Then, you can use a regex to dictate your mask. I'll warn you though, if you use a regular expression it's going to be VERY long because it will also need to validate that the date entered is valid. Additionally, the stock date validator accepts dates like 30 FEB YYYY and just rolls it to the appropriate March date. Here's the REGEX we
use (note that the regex is all on one line with no spaces:

<var-value>^(((0?[1-9]|1[012])/(0?[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(0?[13456789]|1[012])/(2 9|30)|(0?[13578]|1[02])/31)/(20)((0[6-9])|(10))|0?2/29/((20)(0[48])))$</var-

Alternatively, you can override the validate method in your ValidatorForm and do it yourself - which given your requirements, sounds like the easier
of the two options.
Holy lipton that's nuts.  I think I'll see what's behind door number 3:

public void setDate( String date )
this.date = translateDate( date ); // where translateDate inserts the slashes if necessary

So I can use the "date" validator with no problems, and when the client submits the form, they get back a slash-separated date in the input field.

Thanks for the help :)

- Scott

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