
I am wondering if anyone has come across with memory leak problems with the 
workflow extension?

I am running a weblogic8.1 app server on a HP-UX machine.

I am finding that virtual memory is running out and the JVM is crashing. I only 
have one app running in my weblogic instance.

I am fairly certain that it is not the application.

After running some correlations between extra memory requests from the JVM to 
the operating system and particular pages that are being hit, they are the ones 
which invoke the start of a workflow and hence the workflow extension. I am 
wondering if perhaps the struts workflow extension is using some third party 
libraries that are perhaps incompatible with the jdk or something?

I am at a loss so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Matt Shaw
Snr Applications Developer
Service Performance & Management Unit
Phone: 3247 8666. ext. 94666

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