> If you have time, can you try the example apps from 1.3 with your
> setup?  The apps now load validator-rules.xml from struts-core.jar.
> Probably the easiest thing is to download struts-1.3.5-apps.zip from
> here,
>   http://people.apache.org/builds/struts/1.3.5/
> deploy the struts-cookbook app, and try the validation examples.
> [1] 
> <http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/struts/core/trunk/src/share/org/
> apache/struts/validator/ValidatorPlugIn.java?r1=57589&r2=10578

I downloaded struts-1.3.5-apps.zip and tried running it from within JDeveloper
using its embedded OC4J and I get the following error when clicking any of the
execute links on the index page:

503 Service Unavailable
Servlet error: Cannot load a validator resource from

If I copy validator-rules.xml out of the jar and put it in WEB-INF and change
struts-config.xml's ValidatorPlugIn settings to look there then it all works.

I then tried taking the validator-rules.xml out of /WEB-INF and putting it out
in the source tree for JDeveloper to find and build and it doesn't work again.

As we're new to Java and Struts here I wouldn't rule out dumbness on my part for
this not working. Also it appears that using the embedded OC4J in JDeveloper
doesn't really do a proper deployment. If I can find time, I'll try deploying it
to standalone OC4J which is more like how a real deployment to an application
server works.


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