There isn't any way to do this. Also if there was a way theres a
danger that by re-displaying what the user keys in you could be
opening your app up to an XSS vulnerability:


On 8/25/06, Robert Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I can't find an example of how to insert an invalid credit card number into
the error message "{0} is an invalid credit card number".

I'm using Struts 1.2.8

Here's my validation.xml snippet:
<field property="ccnum" depends="required, creditCard">
<arg position="0" name="required" key="errors.creditCard.number" />
<arg key="${var:cCard}" name="creditCard" resource="false" position="0" />

With the above snippet, the error message produced is:
"${ccnum} is an invalid credit card number."

Can someone give me an example of how to pass the "ccnum" to arg0?


"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice
there is."
Yogi Berra

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