The 1.2.x nightly builds are running just fine. I don't know how you're kicking off Ant, but here's what the nightly script does:

$ ant download-dependencies nightly

James Mitchell

On Aug 30, 2006, at 1:01 AM, Laurie Harper wrote:

Darren, the examples serve as documentation to help you see how to use various features of Struts; you can skip building them and still end up with a fully functional framework. I don't know why the build isnt' working correctly for you, but perhaps that's enough to allow you to move forward.


Darren Hall wrote:
I found out why the struts.home property is not holding a value. It is previously defined in the file used by the build process. Apparently, properties defined in the file are not mutable? In any case, is there a point to me attempting to compile these examples, or are they not in any way beneficial, other than simply as examples? In other words, do they add any functionality, or can I remove the calls to compile
these from the master build.xml file?
-----Original Message-----
From: Darren Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 4:38 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Struts 1.2.9 - build failed
I am attempting to build struts 1.2.9 and having issues. It seems to build the main struts.jar fine, but fails later in the process when building
I guess I have two questions. First, is there any value in building the struts-examples? Do they provide
any functionality to the framework?
Second, if I do want to build the examples, why is the environment not
keeping the struts.home property?
The struts.home property in the struts-1.2.9/src/struts-examples/ mailreader
folder is not being set correctly (or being overwritten).

From the build.xml file, the struts home is set on line 36 as follows,
the basedir is specified as "."
 34>       <!-- Dependency home directory defaults -->
35> <property name="server.home" value="C:/Program Files/Apache
Group/Tomcat 5.5"/>
36> <property name="struts.home" value="$ {basedir}/../../dist"/> Later when the build process runs, the value of struts.home is echoed to the
command line.
The value that is displayed is "/../../"
I have tried manually overwriting the struts.home variable bu changing line
36 in the build.xml file to read
 <property name="struts.home"      value="C:/Program Files/Apache
But when the build executes, I still see the value of struts.home displayed
as "/../../".
Has anyone run across this before, or does anyone have an idea why this
might be occurring?
 (Of course, if I don't need the examples, ignore question 2.)

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