As I mentioned, many webflows have a series of screens, each of which builds
on the preceding screens.  The example I gave showed that the first couple
screens would select an employee id and department id.  This might be a good
save point in the webflow because a relationship was made (EMP -> DEPT).  If
your data model and pageflow are designed appropriately, you should be able
to progress through the webflow without running into FK constraint
violations.  Think of the webflow as a series of screens in which you are
collecting bits of data in a linear fasion as needed.  Submission of the
first screen might create a record in a webflow process table, setting it's
status to in-progress or whatever.  Each subsequent screen that creates a
relationship might add a record to an XREF, what the hell, here
is an abbreviated version of a possible DB implementation for the dept
transfer app:

DISCLAIMER: This is off the top of my head and I'm no DBA!

webflow_process_cfg_id NUMBER (PK)
webflow_process_code NUMBER (optional 'DEPTXRFER', 'TERM', etc.)
webflow_description VARCHAR (long name of the process)
initiator NUMBER (FK -> EMPLOYEE)
completed INT (0 or 1 = incomplete or complete)

webflow_process_id NUMBER (PK)
webflow_type_id NUMBER (FK -> WEBFLOW_PROCESS_CFG?)
initiator NUMBER (FK -> EMPLOYEE)
completed INT (0 or 1 = incomplete or complete)

emp_id NUMBER (PK)

dept_id NUMBER (PK)

holds dept->employee relationship
emp_id NUMBER (FK -> EMPLOYEE) Null
dept_id NUMBER (FK -> DEPARTMENT) Null
webflow_process_id NUMBER (FK -> WEBFLOW_PROCESS)

final resting place for the completed webflow. sent off the the workflow or
just persisted for the app.
dept_transfer_id NUMBER (PK)
webflow_process_id NUMBER (FK) Not Null  emp_id NUMBER (FK -> EMPLOYEE) Not
Null  dept_id NUMBER (FK -> DEPARTMENT) Not Null pay_increase FLOAT (+, - or
0) Not Null

The XREF tables would essentially be your temp tables, for storing the "save
points."  They would consist of the FK relationship fields and the related
webflow_process_id.  The data from all XREF tables relating to a specific
webflow process will be "reassembled" next time the manager logs in to
complete the webflow.  They are then persisted to the WF_DEPT_TRANSFER
(final) table, and status is updated in the WEBFLOW_PROCESS table.

If, by chance, you have a workflow engine looking for processes to pick up,
it would check the WEBFLOW_PROCESS table for processed with
status complete.  If not, your app may just check the WF_DEPT_TRANSFER

Again, not a DBA, but that's my deranged perspective.

Phew! I'm going home.

On 8/31/06, Joel Espinosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for your quick responses.

I agree with you Monkeyden, there are differences between two
definitions webflow and workflow, I'm planing to code a webflow.

Monkeyden your aproach is very close to what I need but... certainly I
need to use save points, but if I use them between tables this could
afect the database's referencial integrity, am I right? I mean, if I
only save data in one table but this table references another one, what
will I put in these reference field? I cannot set to null these table's

Another question was what would I do if the user wants to do more than
one webflow at the same time for the same process?, putting the objects
in the session scope is not enough, one webflow could overwrite the
objects of the other one.

Again, thanks to you two.
Best regards.

Ing. Joel Alejandro Espinosa Carra
Centro de TecnologĂ­a de Semiconductores
CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara
Tel. +52 (33) 3770-3700 ext. 1049

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