Darren Hall ha scritto:
I think that the URL is wrong :-)
If you configured your webapp in as the ROOT webapp, then you can access that action at:


This application is not the root application, it is the "flc" application,
located at the path "/flc" (under the webapps folder). However, from my
struts-config.xml (see below) file, I have a mapping for the path /flc to my
tile definition "home.page". Will this not work?

No, it is the mapping of:

But maybe you want to access the "home.page" definition as your homepage, right? If it is so, you have to know that you cannot put as a homepage things that are not an html or a jsp page (therefore an action is not correct). Why don't you use simply a jsp page with a <tiles:insert definition="home.page" /> tag?

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