But again, the URL you show here is NOT valid... if your just making a typo, then OK, but http:localhost is a malformed URL... it needs to be http://localhost (the rest after that looks fine).


liner_zhao wrote:
no typing error, my context path is C:tomcat/struts_project/x.html,  the file
is stored in the path

is not displayed.

David Friedman-2 wrote:
Normally a person maps *.do as the extension for a Struts servlet so it
not interfere with the display of regular files.  What are all of your
mappings for the webapp with the "/struts_project" context path.  Also,
list .html files in your example urls but your next line states a .htm
ending in the letter L) file.  Is that a typing error or are you really
typing a .html URL for a .htm path.  In that case you need to remember the
file extension must match.


-----Original Message-----
From: liner_zhao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 7:10 AM
To: user@struts.apache.org
Subject: why an arbitrary html page can not be displayed in struts

in a normal servlert project, an  arbitrary html  page can be dsplayed,
i click on the link http:localhost:8080/servlet_project/x.html
  but in struts project  it can not be dipayed,  if when i click on the
although the x.htm file exists in the both projects, why? how can make the
x.htnl diplay in struts project?

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Frank W. Zammetti
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