You can't use JSP tags in scriptlets like that. For your example, just remove the scriptlet, i.e. instead of

        String str="<bean:message key='test.hello'/>";

just write

    <bean:message key='test.hello'/>

If you need the value retrieved by the bean:message tag in some other code within a scriptlet, you'll need to set it into a scripting variable in JSP (e.g. using c:set) and then access that variable in the scriptlet.


Yes i have already try " instead of ' as value deliminator.
I also tried: key=\"test.hello\" but it does not work too.

I have also set up resource bundle in strutsconfig. it works, when i use <bean> tag out of scriplet.

David Grundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/11/2006 05:12 PM
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Re: using <bean> tag in scriptlet

I would try using " instead of ' as value delimiter. (key="test.hello" instead of key='test.hello') Have you set up the resource bundle in strutsconfig?


Hi Everybody,

i have a struts application which gives multilanguage support.
And i want to a assign a property file key value to a string in
Here is the example jsp:
       String str="<bean:message key='test.hello'/>";
When i want to print "str" value, there is no output shown at the page.
In addition, I do not have any error message Any other solutions please?

Best Regards.

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