Spoke too soon. The reworked pages/actions don't work...

Say I have 3 pages - page1, page2 and page3 with actions between them.

The action between page1 and page2 uses saveMessages to save a message on the
session for page3 to display (with property="page3-messages").

The next page shown - page2 - has a <html:messages property="page2-messages"...>
to display any messages specifically for it. Using this however will always set
the ActionMessages.isAccessed flag to true and the RequestProcessor's
processCachedMessages will remove it from the session even though there is a
message on it for page3.

So back to my original question. Is there a simpler/more standard way of doing
this? If I do have to put the messages into the session using custom keys (one
for each destination page I guess) is there a cleaner way of tidying up that
doesn't involve subclassing RequestProcessor and overriding the
processCachedMessages to get rid of any accessed ActionMessages from the



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