leo mj wrote:
hi all,

 I think some fellow member has asked the same question.But I didn't find any 
reply for the old thread.

So i have a scenario

I have a login page with

Based on the language selected I have to reload the page.

I have used internationalization techniques like ApplicationResources_de for 
german.But this is a scenario where the language to be displayed is preconfigured 
using <message-resources> in struts-config.xml.

But dynamic selection of language,i feel can be done only if <message-resource 
parameter="ApplicationResources"> is modified using Action class.

I have done the modification using SAX parser and FileWriter.But I need a more 
neat way to do so.Is it possible???

Err, I'm not sure I understand what you want to do. Why would you need to modify struts-config.xml? Provided you set the locale for the session, the correct properties file is used automatically for each subsequent request.

Modifying the struts-config.xml would change the default resources for all users of the application -- one user selecting a different language would change the language for every subsequent request for every user!

Perhaps you can explain what you're trying to achieve; maybe we can suggest a different approach for doing so.


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