I have a struts 1.2.9 app that has several modules (assume they are
named "a" and "b").  In my struts-config-a.xml file, I have a form
defined as followed:


    <form-bean name="formRegister"
type="a.modules.register.RegisterForm" />


My validation.xml file looks like:




            <form name="formRegister" >

                  <field property="registerName" depends="required">






When I try to access the form, I get:


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Resources cannot be null.





Based on some other posts, I think this is telling me it can't find any
validation information for my form ("formRegister")-which I assume means
that the name specified in my <form> tag is not what validator expects
to see for form within a module.  I've tried "a.formRegister" in my
<form> tag and that doesn't seem to work either.


I currently have a single validation.xml file.  The plugin is configured
in the main struts-config.xml file.  I assume I can only have one
incarnation of the validator plugin.  Is there something I need to put
in the individual module configuration files?  Do I really need to have
several invocations of the plugin?


Can someone give me some hints on configuring validator in a
multi-module struts app?






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