I was using Struts 1.2.8 and I'm now discovering Struts 2 and some new tags.
I'm transforming an .html page designed with CSS only (no <table>, <tr>, <td>) 
to an .jsp page with Struts tags and I'm surprised to see that the source code 
generated when using <s:form>, <s:textfield> and <s:submit> contains some html 
code with <table>, <tr>, <td> around the divs of my form.
Is there the source code :
<s:form action="userConnect">
     <div id="userForm">
     <fieldset id="login">
     <legend>Connectez vous :</legend>
      <label for="login">login : </label>
      <s:textfield name="login" id="login" size="20" />
      <label for="password">mot de passe : </label>
      <s:password name="password" id="password" size="20" />
      <s:submit type="image" id="imgSubmit" 
src="www/tortue_contour_noire_20_16.jpg" />      
Is there an option to deactivate this? Or maybe I'm wrong in using these tags.
For my test I'm using the "struts-blank" app (found in Struts 2), with jre1.5 
and Tomcat 5.5.12.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Sébastien LABEY
Division Immobilier
20, chemin du Randin - B1 - 69130 Ecully
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