
I need to put value to an input hidden field, from a java script function.
I call the java script function from an onclick event of html:submit field
I have debuged that process and input hidden field does'nt take value.
Always have the default value.

This is my way to do this

*******This is the java script function*********
<script language="JavaScript">

  function actualizarCampoOcultoRest(forma, campo, valor)


   document.forma.campo.value = valor;



**********This is the call to the function java script********************

<html:submit styleClass="botones" property="btnEdicion"
campoOcultoRestablecer, '1');">

    <logic:present name="idSeleccionado" scope="session"><bean:message key=

    <logic:notPresent name="idSeleccionado" scope="session"><bean:message


*********This is the input field***********

<html:hidden property="campoOcultoRestablecer"/>

*******In the ActionForm class i declared the input field like
this:****** private
int campoOcultoRestablecer;

Always have the default value, 0

if anybody could help me...


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