On Fri, 2006-09-29 at 00:03 +0800, red phoenix wrote:
> I use JDK1.6 and Struts1.3.5,I use Javac to compile a  Action file,like
> follows:
> javac xxxAction.java
> but when I compile it,it raise follows error:
> xxxAction.java:31: Can't find symbol
> symbol: method getDataSource(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
> java.lang.String)
> location: class xxxAction
>         DataSource dataSource=getDataSource(request,"yy");
>                               ^
> 1 error
> Why raise above error? How to correct it?
> Thanks

It sounds like your Action subclass does not have a
getDataSource(HttpServletRequest,String) method.

Perhaps the method belongs to some other object?


Christopher D. Goldman

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