Strachan, Paul wrote:
Hi All,

(Struts 1.2.4, Validator 1.1.3)

I have a DispatchAction which forwards to 3 possible Jsps (populated by
a single DynaForm)

Next, I added validations for each of the 3 JSP pages but now each
validation is different, it seems I need to clone the forms ???

But, also it doesn't look like I can use multiple forms with my
DispatchAction, so I look toward a MappingDispatchAction (with cloned
form) for each JSP

So now my original action has to populate one of 3 different forms
before it forwards to that appropriate JSP -it doesn't seem right!

I shouldn't need to change my action and clone forms just to control the
form validation.   Can anyone please help spot the problem in this


Note: I can see a 'page' attribute on the validator, but I don't think
this quite fits my design

Well, without seeing your design, it's hard to guess what fits with it ;-) However, here are a few things to look into:

1) you can validate based on the action mapping path (the 'path' attribte of the 'action' tag in struts-config.xml), rather than based on the name of the form. That's one easy way to apply different sets of validations to the same form w/out having to clone it.

2) you may well be able to 'repurpose' the 'page' attribute you mention; set it to a different value in each of your JSPs, and use that to key your validations. you may be able to use the same parameter to key the validation page as you use to dispatch, to keep things simple (not sure about that)

3) if you have a common set of fields that need to be validated the same for all 3 JSPs and only a few that vary, you may be able to use the 'extends' feature to set up a base form + validation rules, to factor out the common stuff.

I haven't used the various types of dispatch action, so there may be additional options I'm not aware of.


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