I have the following key value pair in ApplicationResource.properties

required = <li>{0} is required.</li>

I used this when I was doing only server side validation, to display a list
of error messages when some validation failed.

Now Im using the <html:javascript> to do the same thing on client side also.
But my problem is that now i get error messages like
<li>Name is required</li>
<li>Status is requried</li>

in an alert box on the jsp page when i submit with some validation errors. I
would like to maybe use different error messages for what is displayed on
the client side. Is that possible??
Following is my validation.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<form name="requestForm">
 <field property="name" depends="required">
   <msg name="required" key="required" />
   <arg0 key="Name" resource="false" />
 <field property="status" depends="required">
   <msg name="required" key="required" />
   <arg0 key="Status" resource="false" />

Im using struts 1.1

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