It appears like you are extending default.pane with login.error, but the
default.pane is putting the default.layout back in (overidding login.error)
when you call:

<put name="body" value="default.layout" type="definition"/>

Try extending default.layout with login.error and see if that works...

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Pratt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 October 2006 12:18 p.m.
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Trouble with Nesting Tile Definitions

I'm seeing some weird behavior with my tiles definitions that I can't
explain and I was hoping someone smarter than me could lend an eye.  Here's
an excerpt from my tiles-defs.xml:

  <definition name="default.pane" extends="site.layout">
    <put name="body" value="default.layout" type="definition"/>

  <definition name="default.layout" path="default-layout.jsp">
    <put name="bluearea" value="/tiles/blank.jsp" type="page"/>
    <put name="whitearea" value="/tiles/blank.jsp" type="page"/>
    <putList name="breadcrumbs">
      <add value="/|head.home" type="string"/>

  <definition name="login.error" extends="default.pane">
    <put name="pagetitle" value="members" type="string"/>
    <put name="bluearea" value="/tiles/login-error.jsp" type="page"/>
    <putList name="breadcrumbs">
      <add value="/|head.home" type="string"/>
      <add value="/home|members" type="string"/>
      <add value="Sign-On Unsuccessful" type="string"/>

I have a simple JSP that starts building the page and references the
login.error definition.  When the page gets built, the pagetitle and
breadcrumbs from the login.error definition appear on the screen, but the
bluearea defined in the default.layout definition is being used rather than
the one specified in the login.error (which should override the one in
default.layout).  Am I missing something obvious here?

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