The error says "Caught exception while loading file struts.xml - [unknown
location]" so have you triple checked there is a WEB-INF/struts.xml or
WEB-INF/classes/struts.xml in your FuturePoint website?  If the
"\Nilo" path refers back to your PC you should
search your own configuration files and change any absolute paths to webapp
relative paths.

Though some things strike me as odd: FuturePoint's main site runs Linux but
your error indicated a PC path. The error path indicates Plesk while
FuturePoint's main site indicates they normally run Ensim instead of Plesk.
And that part of the stack trace list security issues while other parts list
"[unknown location]" leading me to my main assumption that your webwork2
er... struts2 configuration file "struts.xml" is not uploaded (or uploaded


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