Puneet Lakhina wrote:

I am writing something on a JSP page using bean write. But its escaping
HTML. i.e suppose I have a bean named msgs with the value "<h1>Message</h1>"
(without the quotes)

I get the literal string <h1>Message</h1> on my JSP Page. i.e it escapes
HTML. which means the generated HTML is &lt;h1&gt;Message&lt;/&gt;

I dont want that to be done. I want Message with h1 tags.

I hope I make sense.

I am using struts 1.1

Use filter attribute of bean:write.
If this attribute is set to |true|, the rendered property value will be filtered for characters that are sensitive in HTML, and any such characters will be replaced by their entity equivalents.

I hope this solves your problem.

Balwinder Kumar

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