
I am writing a file upload application in which I have to restrict the users
to upload only upto 2MB file size.  I am using struts upload(struts
1.1version) for uploading. The form from which I upload contains some
like date, time and some other details, which are filled at the time of
loading the page using a method in the dispatchaction. When I click the
upload button, i'll be calling the other method(let uplaod) in the same
action class(Dispatch action class).
I have a file upload limit of 2mb.  When the user tries to upload file of
size greater than 2mb, in the validate, error will be generated and will be
fwd to the page specified by input tag in the action mapping
tag(generally).  But in my case that page to which it will be forwarded
should execute an action upon loading.  So, when I am giving the complete
action path, the page is not forwarded.  But its reamining the validate
method(found it using system.out.println). For this i have used the redirect
=true in the forward tag and in the controller tage inputforward=true.  Now
i am getting the page from which i am uploading the file by executing the
action.  But the errors are not displayed, which should be displayed.  I
have used the <html:errors> tag in the html page.  Is it happening due to
the redirect?.  if so how to get that errors in the input page.  Please
suggest me..

<controller inputForward="true" maxFileSize="2M"/>

<action   path="/pages/Dmodule/BCInsert"  input="insertBCSuccess"
            name="bcform" scope="request" parameter="eventcall"
     <forward name="getBC1" path="/pages/DModule/BC.jsp"/>
     <forward name="insertBCSuccess"
path="/pages/DModule/BCInsert.do?eventcall=getBC" redirect="true"/>

getBC is the method which is executed from the dispatch action when the page


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