I would appreciate any insights people have on the best way to handle exceptions. I would really like to keep it simple, and not create a custom exception handler or whatever if I don't need to.

I ran across ModuleException, mentioned in the Jakarta Struts book by Cavaness (2nd ed for struts 1.1). This seems like a fairly pain-free way to throw an exception that is wrapped around an ActionError, providing for localized error messages. However, the author warns that using this ties your application to struts. Is this really a big problem? I don't think I'm going to be handling exceptions in my business code, only in the controller code. (The business code may throw them; I don't plan to handle them until they bubble up to the controller.) (Of course, please let me know if this is a bad idea.) The controller code is, obviously, already tied to struts! So I see this warning as a non-problem. Am I missing something?

I plan to use declarative exception handling, hopefully in combination with ModuleException. At some point, I will end up in a jsp page and need to print out the contents of the ActionError within the ModuleException. Does anyone have an example of how to do this?

Thanks again for the list's help!

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