
The below form-bean is session scoped and hence using reset.

<form-bean name="CustForm" type="com.formbeans.CustForm" dynamic="true">
        <form-property name="split" type="java.lang.Boolean"/>


public class CustForm extends DynaValidatorForm {

   public CustForm() {

public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request) {

        set("split", Boolean.FALSE);



public ActionForward save(ActionMapping mapping,
                            ActionForm form,
                            HttpServletRequest request,
                HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, 
                DynaValidatorForm frm = (DynaValidatorForm)form;


                return mapping.findForward("successSave");

        <html:checkbox name="CustForm" property="split"/>


When this jsp is first loaded the checkbox above is unchecked.

When user checked the checkbox, and clicked a submit save button, in the save method of dispatch action I was expecting to see the split value as "true". But it was "false" when I debug.

why is this?

What am I missing here?

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