What are common simple mistakes that would prevent validation from occuring?
I've got a simple struts application that runs correctly except that
validation doesn't occur. The form info is accepted as correct when required
information is missing.

I'm trying to figure out what's missing from my setup or understanding.

The ValidatorForm (my extension) class has appropriate get and set functions
for all fields.
(The fields are spread over 3 jsp pages, if that matters.)
I've added the validator plugin to the struts-config, the action mapping has
validate="true" and a valid input path,  added the validation-rules and
validation.xml file, added the resource properties file with the standard
errors (taken from the struts file).

If I write my own validate method in the form bean that validation works
properly. It's my understanding that if I'm using the validation framework,
I should not have a validate() method in the form.

Am I misunderstanding something? Any ideas what might be setup wrong or

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