First, I found my error and it's (of course) not in any of the code listed.
I had neglected the import statements in the jsp pages. :-(
So you can ignore this question but it does bring up another one.

Is there a way to get warnings or error messages when I've made a mistake
like this in the jsp?
In my build there was no compiler error or warning. Finding this type of
error by inspection is very time consuming.

On 11/8/06, Thom Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I tried this technique for my situation where several jsp pages contribute
to one ActionForm.
I'm getting the correct page selection behavior by my errors don't show

For the first page (the donation page) everything works very nicely.
For the second page (the honoree page) there's no trace of an error

That is, when (and only when) there's an error, the page will not continue
on to the next page but
the <html:errors/> tag seems to return no contents - that part of the
displayed page is blank.

I can't see any meaningful difference between the two pages. Is this a
question of where the ActionErrors instance is stored?

    <action path="/donation3"   type="
            name="donorBean" scope="session"
            input="/donation3.jsp" validate="true">
      <forward name="oracleError"  path="/oracleError3.jsp"/>
      <forward name="success"      path="/thankYou3.jsp"/>
      <forward name="firstPage"    path="/donation3.jsp"/>
      <forward name="secondPage"   path="/honoree3.jsp"/>
      <forward name="thirdPage"    path="/payment3.jsp"/>
    <action path="/honoree3"   type="com.softrek.donation.DonationAction3"
            name="donorBean" scope="session"
            input="/honoree3.jsp"  validate="true">
      <forward name="oracleError"  path="/oracleError3.jsp"/>
      <forward name="success"      path="/thankYou3.jsp"/>
      <forward name="firstPage"    path="/donation3.jsp"/>
      <forward name="secondPage"   path="/honoree3.jsp"/>
      <forward name="thirdPage"    path="/payment3.jsp"/>

donation3.jsp page

<% AllDonationInformationFormBean3 donorBean =
(AllDonationInformationFormBean3)session.getAttribute("donorBean") ;
     if(donorBean == null) donorBean = new
AllDonationInformationFormBean3() ;
      <h1>New Account Registration</h1>
    <form action="../donation3/" method="post">
      <input type="hidden" name="pagename" value="donationPage"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="page" value="1"/>
      <p style="background-color:rgb(0,255,255); font-size:large;">Donor
      <p>*Indicates required field</p>

honoree3.jsp page

<% AllDonationInformationFormBean3 donorBean =
(AllDonationInformationFormBean3)session.getAttribute("donorBean") ;
     if(donorBean == null) donorBean = new
AllDonationInformationFormBean3() ;

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    <title>Honor of</title>
      <h1>In Honor Of</h1>
    <form action="../donation3/" method="post">
      <input type="hidden" name="pagename" value="honoreePage"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="page" value="2"/>
      <P style="background-color:rgb(0,255,255); font-size:large;">In
Honor of:</P>
      <P>*Indicates required field</P>

On 11/4/06, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Yariel,
> > I have a page validated with Validation Framework, but I can get that
> > page from two diferent jsp inputs. When an error ocurs, the validator
> > always turn me back to the same jsp input (the one especified) not
> > matter which was the selected input. It is possible to set two values
> > to "input" attribute in an ActionMapping?? Is there any other way to
> > do something like that??
> Generally, this is done with two separate ActionMappings, like this:
> <!-- submit to here from first.jsp -->
> <action path="/path1"
>     type="MyAction"
>     name="MyFormBean"
>     validate="true"
>     scope="request"
>     input="/first.jsp">
>   ...
> </action>
> <!-- submit to here from second.jsp -->
> <action path="/path2"
>     type="MyAction"
>     name="MyFormBean"
>     validate="true"
>     scope="request"
>     input="/second.jsp">
>   ...
> </action>
> You are doing the exact same thing in both cases, except that the
> "input" attributes are different. The validation should be the same,
> using the same form bean, etc.
> Hope that helps,
> - -chris
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