Maybe a taglib would be a better solution? Anyone else had to do this?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/09/2006 10:31:49 AM:

> Hello,
> I have an application which contains a bunch of images for products 
> filenames come from the database. Right now the images are stored inside 

> the WAR file when deploying the application, which is fine but the 
> is that when they become part of the CVS code repository it becomes a 
> tarball and unnecessary duplication/tagging/branching of images on CVS 
> which do not change between releases. (We don't care about versioning 
> image files since they are maintained by a third party).
> I wish to know what approach would be the best to keep the images 
> of the built WAR and still being able to access them easily from the 
> application. Some approached I thought of were: 
> - Maintain images in a separate CVS module. When deploying the 
> explode the WAR file and include the images and re-war the war file. 
> - Store images in a separate folder outside of the context root and 
> to them via a symlink (platform dependent) or a configuration property 
> the application (platform independent). 
> Does anyone know of a better solution? Or has any comments/ideas on how 
> do this?
> Thanks a lot!
> Affan

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