I think Christopher is right. Popping up the user is not that much
useful. I think it is good that you directly redirect the user to login
page, if set session time out value expires on server site with Session
time out error message.

Here I have Q for Chirstopher : 

Christopher below is some text from your post 

J2EE authorization mechanism is designed to allow you to pick up where
you left off if your session times out(because it remembers the page
you were trying to access after you login).

Can you please put some light on this one? I don't find any thing in
session api which actually does the what you are session. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:39 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: session maintenance in struts webapp

Hash: SHA1


Gundersen, Richard wrote:
> In the JavaScript, you could just do a simple loop that counts down
> <session-timeout>....zero. When the loop gets to within e.g. 60
> from zero, pop up your message.

You don't want to do this. You want to use "setTimeout", which allows
you to schedule a bit of code to be run after a certain interval.

My bank does this, and I hate it. After a few minutes, it says "you are
about to be logged out, click OK to stay logged-in". It does this with a
javascript alert and more than half the time, my session times out
before I bother to click either "Ok" or "Cancel".

I find this to be a completely worthless feature, especially because the
J2EE authorization mechanism is designed to allow you to pick up where
you left off if your session times out (because it remembers the page
you were trying to access after you login).

- -chris

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