Hi Folks,

--- problem ---
My validation is working but the control doesnt go back to the input page. I want the input page to render again showing the errors.

--- Details --
I am using Struts 1.1.x for my webApp.
My validation is working fine. (validator-rules.xml and validation-renewal.xml setup correctly and declared in struts-config-renewal.xml file).

I want to validate an "Email" text field on "LoyaltyPage.jsp", it has to be non-empty, valid email address.

Here's the snippet from validation-renewal.xml
 <form name="loyaltyForm">
                    <field property="email"
                        <msg name="required"  key="error.loyaltyPage2"             
                        <msg name="email"  key="error.loyaltyPage3" />

Here's the snippet from struts-config-renewal.xml
<action path="/processLoyalty"
                           input="/LoyaltyPage.jsp" >
                           <forward name="exit" 
                           <forward name="continue" 
<forward name="failure" path="/ErrorPageRenewal.jsp"></forward>


I do notice that validation is occuring but the control doesnt go back to the loyaltypage.jsp even though I have mentioned it as the input attribute in the action mapping. I just get a blank page in the browser.


I have tried changing the input attribute to the action that actually forwards to loyaltyPage.jsp

but in both the cases, I get the blank page in the browser. I want the loyaltypage.jsp to render again with the error messages showing up.

The following logs show clearly that the validation is occuring, form is failing the validation, but the input page is still not rendering in the browser.

What's the missing piece in the whole picture, please help ???

2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] action.RequestProcessor - Processing a 'POST' for path '/processLoyalty' 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] util.RequestUtils - Looking for ActionForm bean instance in scope 'request' under attribute key 'loyaltyForm' 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] util.RequestUtils - Creating new ActionForm instance of type 'com.xyz.salescentral.flow.formbean.renewal.LoyaltyForm' 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] util.RequestUtils - --> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] action.RequestProcessor - Storing ActionForm bean instance in scope 'request' under attribute key 'loyaltyForm' 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] action.RequestProcessor - Populating bean properties from this request 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.BeanUtils - BeanUtils.populate([EMAIL PROTECTED], {actionValue=[Ljava.lang.String;@1633bbd, contactMethod=[Ljava.lang.String;@1e719e8, sendCommunication=[Ljava.lang.String;@155f12b, email=[Ljava.lang.String;@14c7c48}) 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.BeanUtils - setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], actionValue, [continue]) 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.ConvertUtils - Convert string 'continue' to class 'java.lang.String' 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.ConvertUtils - Using converter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.BeanUtils - setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], contactMethod, []) 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.ConvertUtils - Convert string '' to class 'java.lang.String' 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.ConvertUtils - Using converter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.BeanUtils - setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], sendCommunication, [false]) 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.ConvertUtils - Convert string 'false' to class 'boolean' 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.ConvertUtils - Using converter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.BeanUtils - setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], email, []) 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.ConvertUtils - Convert string '' to class 'java.lang.String' 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] beanutils.ConvertUtils - Using converter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] action.RequestProcessor - Validating input form properties 2006-11-23 11:35:39,546 219875 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'default'] action.RequestProcessor - Validation failed, returning to '/getLoyalty.do'

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