Are you using localization features? If Struts 1.x is selecting the locale for you, it will create a session to store it.

Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
Thanks for the tip.  I do that but I still get jsessionid's in the URL:

<definition name=".site" path="/jsp/common/layouts/mainLayout.jsp">

<!-- DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
""; -->
<%@ page session="false" %>
<%@ taglib uri="struts-bean" prefix="bean" %>

I can't seem to reproduce the sessionid's in a browser, but the search
robots have a way of triggering it.  They load the same pages hundreds
of times, presumably thinking each is a unique URL: - - [28/Nov/2006:16:05:36 -0800] "GET
/;jsessionid=68B86DFF8E4A8597B210531C3431965D HTTP/1.1" 200
17195 "-" "Exabot/3.0" - - [28/Nov/2006:16:17:30 -0800] "GET
/;jsessionid=0621414681C92E1A00A9428A7800AC30 HTTP/1.1" 200
17195 "-" "Exabot/3.0" - - [28/Nov/2006:17:00:36 -0800] "GET
/;jsessionid=0079FCD91ED8E5B86902228D285CCEEF HTTP/1.1" 200
17195 "-" "Exabot/3.0" - - [28/Nov/2006:20:41:50 -0800] "GET
/;jsessionid=DE9B61384D3D75DE9EB38A21F066E433 HTTP/1.1" 200
17195 "-" "Exabot/3.0" - - [28/Nov/2006:21:25:06 -0800] "GET
/;jsessionid=452B2A8E9798E58B89A61FA11E4F2EF6 HTTP/1.1" 200
17195 "-" "Exabot/3.0" - - [28/Nov/2006:23:55:55 -0800] "GET
/;jsessionid=051ED83F9A0970854DB4DDF315EB45F0 HTTP/1.1" 200
17195 "-" "Exabot/3.0"

Use tiles and place it in your default layout.

On 10/31/06, Bryce Nesbitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm having trouble with Google and Alexa indexing pages on my site
hundreds of times, each with a different colon separated session ID.

I was able to reduce this by adding:
<%@ page session="false" %>

To the top of all my template pages.  But the subpages still generate
session ID's.  How can I make <%@ page session=false %> global, or get
it to cascade to the content part of my pages?

                   Bryce Nesbitt

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