John Tangney <johnt <at>> writes:

> Hi all,
> I have memorized the docs, scoured the archives, googled 'till my eyes were
> crossed, experimented at great length, but have not been able to solve this
> riddle.
> I have a JSP that looks like this:
>     <nested:iterate property="allUsers">
>       <tr>
>         <td><nested:text property="userName"/></td>
>         <td><nested:text property="email"/></td>
>       </tr>
>     </nested:iterate>
> My form bean has 
>     public List getAllUsers() {
>         return this.allUsers;
>     }
> Which returns a collection of...
>     public static class Info {      // an inner class of the form bean, FWIW
>         private String email;
>         private String userName;
>         public void setEmail(String string) {
>             email = string;
>         }
>         public String getEmail() {
>             return email;
>         }
>         ...
>     }

Hi John (and others)

I read your article with great interest since I encounter this exact problem!
I read the posted answers too that come to the conclusion that the wrong js is 
generated. So far so good, but how do we solve the problem? I tried (as in one 
of the answers) addressing the first elelement of the List directly by its 
index in validation.xml . That works fine... BUT... I have a variable size 
List on the jsp :-(

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!!


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