Hi Niall,

Thanks for the reply! Apparantly this problem is quite difficult to get answer 
upon. You're the only one until now. 

Well, I was getting different exception in different scenario.
- When I put an array initialization (someWrappers = )in myForm's default 
constructor, I would get Array Out Of Bound exceptions.
- When I don't do an array initialization for myForm (on REQUEST scope), I 
would get a method invocation exception from BeanUtils.poulate() due to some 
getter property descriptor that can't be found. (?) But I have declared all my 
getters and setters (see fot your self below).

I checked my generated HTML sources (from JSP), but they are all rendered as 
expected. That is, like you have specified below.
Weird, huh?

When I chang my scope to session... it seems to work. But I don't want my form 
in sessin scope. (And if this is working indeed in session scope.... why not 
for requests scope?)

The solution that you propose... I have seen it too on the internet. But this 
solution does not guarantee the right order of the array elements. And order IS 
a Requirement for my problem area.

Any hints?

Kind regards,

Urso Wieske

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: donderdag 7 december 2006 9:40
Aan: Struts Users Mailing List
Onderwerp: Re: Struts1: Indexed Properties, BeanUtils populate, Form on

So what BeanUtils exception are you getting?

Your jsp should be generating the following?
    <input type=".." name="someWrapper[0].propA" ...>
    <input type=".." name="someWrapper[1].propA" ...>

BeanUtils will try and access the indexed getter - getSomeWrapper(0)
and then call setPropA(...) - presumably its one of these methods ist
having problems with?

Anyway the problem usually with request scope beans is that when it
calls the getSomeWrapper(index) method the array isn't initialized and
it returns null - if you put logic to "automatically" grow your array
in the getSomeWrapper(index) method then it should solve this.


On 12/6/06, Urso Wieske <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have problem with the scenario "Indexed Properties, BeanUtils and Form on 
> REQUEST scope".
> When I select a a value from (1 or 2) from the dropdownlist and submit the 
> form, I get an exception from BeanUtils.populate method about some getter 
> which can be found!??
> IF change the scope of myForm to Session in my struts configuration, then I 
> don't have a problem with beanutils. But I want my form on request scope!
> I have described below my problem scenario.
> Is there a solution to this problem?? (form on request scope)
> I have looked in diffenrent aspects but I am not sure what is happening here 
> with BeanUtils:
> - commons BeanUtil JAR version issue?
> - scope (request/session) issue?
> - JRE/Beanutil issue?
> - program issue of in my scenario?
> - array issue?
> Thanks
> Urso Wieske
> Scenario abstraction of my problem:
> 1.PrepareAction/myForm --------{forward}--------> 2.viewJSP 
> -----{submit}-------> 3.ProcessAction/myForm
> Action Mapping Configuration relevant settings:
> 1) myForm (MyForm class) is on request scope
> 3) myForm(MyForm class)  is on request scope
> MyForm considerations:
> I have a property "someWrappers" of type array of SomeWrapper (thus, not a 
> List type!)
> properties:
> - SomeWrapper [] getSomeWrappers() { return someWrappers;}
> - void getSomeWrappers(SomeWrapper [] someWrapper) {this.someWrappers = 
> someWrapper;}
> - SomeWrapper getSomeWrapper(int index) {return someWrappers[index];}
> - void setSomeWrapper(int index, SomeWrapper someWrapper) 
> {this.someWrappers[index] = someWrapper;}
> I have changed the name of the indexed property from plural to single noun 
> (someWrapper,... to bypass the JRE1.3/1.4 - JavaBeans specs - BeanUtils issue.
> My Target runtime is JRE5.
> viewJSP is a JSP file which has the following structure:
> <html:form action="/someAction">
> .....
>         <logic:notEmpty name="myForm" property="someWrappers" >
>                 <logic:iterate property="someWrappers" id="someWrapper" >
>                         <html:select name="someWrapper" property="propA" 
> indexed="true">
>                                 <html:option value="1">1</html:option>
>                                 <html:option value="2">2</html:option>
>                         </html:select>
>                 <logic:iterate>
>         </logic:notEmpty>
> .....
> </html:form>

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