Hi All,
I am trying to switch modules in Struts 1.2.x webapp using a global forward.

Here's the global forward

<forward name="backTOMODULE2" contextRelative="true" path="/MODULE2/action.do" redirect="true"/>

Here's the action Mapping that wants to switch to MODULE2 when an actionForward "toAccMain_CustomerProfilePage" is returned by

<action path="/processLoyalty"
                           input="viewLoyaltyPage" >

<forward name="toAccMain_CustomerProfilePage" path="/backTOMODULE2" contextRelative="true"></forward>

Looks like, there's something wrong with my action mapping's forward.
Everytime, the above actionForward is returned by the action, my .log file shows the following forwardconfig being processed

2006-12-07 12:19:41,788 435579 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '9' for queue: 'default'] action.RequestProcessor - processForwardConfig(ForwardConfig[name=toAccMain_CustomerProfilePage,path=/backTOMODULE2,redirect=false,contextRelative=true])

but nothing happens.

Browser address bar shows - http://localhost:7001/rdas107/MODULE1/processLoyalty.do

and ends up giving "Error 404 Not found Error"

No other exception, error in the logs or server console.

Any help would be much appreciated,


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