Hi! I am new to struts, maven etc. I am trying to follow the bootstrap tutorial for struts 2. I used the Maven Archetype to create a new application for the tutorial and everything worked fine except...

- when I create the Login-validation.xml in my src/main/java/tutorial directory (where Login.java is), then use use maven to build a war file, it will not pick up the Login-validation.xml file and put it in the target/classes/tutorial directory.

However, if I move the Login-validation.xml file to src/main/resources/tutorial...then maven does pick up the Login-validation.xml file and put it in the target/classes/tutorial directory.

Can someone tell me

* where are we supposed to keep the xxx-validation.xml files?

* if they are supposed to be in the same directory as the java action classes, then what do I need to do to the default pom.xml file to make maven pick up these files and put them in the appropriate classes subdirectory?


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