The autocompleter is like 2 weeks old, be patient with it :). The attribute is "delay", and the units are milliseconds. About typing...that is a little bit tricky and I want to provide an easier way of doing it in the future, the way Dojo's autocompleter works is that it loads its content once, and then makes suggestions from those items, which is a little bit different from the typing approach.

You can use topics to make the autocompleter reload its values, you can either attach a javascript event to it, so when the value changes you publish the topic, forcing it to reload, or you can use the "notifyTopics" which will be published when the value change. I started to put some docs together for the ajax tags here:

I haven't tried to make it work like this myslef, if I get an example running I will post it on the wiki.


Dariusz Wojtas wrote:

I am using the latest Struts 2.0.2 build from repository.

This time I am trying to use the autocompleter tag.
The showcase example shows it's basic usage, looks promising.
But there are some issues.
*) how to reload the contents of the tag while the user is typing? is
it possible?
*) some properties from the 'AutocompleterTag' are missing
(searchType) or misspelled (delay while java code shows it should be
searchDelay) in TLD

Also the
wiki page does not mention this tag.

After I locally changed TLD to contain attribute 'searchDelay'
(instead of 'delay'), it started to accept this property, but I do not
see any effect of reloading it from the server.

My JSP page contains
  <s:head theme="ajax"/>
in head, and
  <s:autocompleter theme="ajax" href="/listy/kontrahenci.action"
cssStyle="width: 200px;" dropdownHeight="180" searchDelay="1"/>
in the body.

Please help mi find how to use it correctly, so that it reloads the
combo after typing sth and waiting the given delay. And what units
does the searchDelay accept? seconds or millis?

Best regards
Dariusz Wojtas

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