Yes you can initiate an attribute of type arrayList in the DynaForm as

<form-property name="yourList" type="java.util.List" />

And in the action mapping specify the name of the Form Bean that you are
about to use. In this case the form bean that contains the List you'r going
to initiate..


-----Original Message-----
From: Pille [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:12 AM
To: user@struts.apache.org
Subject: initialize a DynaValidatorForm property

how can i initialize a property of type ArrayList in a DynaValidatorForm?
i saw that i can do some simple initialization with the initial
attribute in the form-peoperty tag in struts-config.

at the moment i do some initialization in a prepare action that sets the
attributes some combo boxes.

<action path="/prepareBuyOnline"
            <forward name="success" path="/BuyOnline.jsp"/>

it seems that a form of type DynaValidatorFrom doesn´t allow the
attribute name="formName" in the prepare action statement. do i need
this attribute to access the form bean?
i always get a ForwardConfig exception when i try to do this but i need
to initialize a form property (ArrayList) in the action statement. i
think i need an instance of the form bean to set a property with
in a action method. is that right?

which data types can i use in a DynaValidatorForm? i have a book here
and the author says that only arrays, lists and maps of primitive data
types are allowed. is it possible to use a java.util.ArrayList with my
own beans of same type as elements?
thank you


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