Just to clarify my prior post, the only issues are organizational. The
AJAX support in Struts 2.0.2 is better than ever, but we are just
trying to decide whether it belongs in the Core or should be moved to
a plugin. We've already moved a number of other features to plugins,
including the Spring object factory and JSF support. Struts 2 plugins
are self-loading and self-configuring, so it's just a matter of adding
the jar to your build.

Of course, the great thing about AJAX and Struts (1 or 2) is that they
work great together out of the box. Many people have been using AJAX
with both frameworks long before the acronym was invented. :)

The AJAX theme (or plugin) uses AJAX-style JavaScript with some of the
Struts tags, giving developers AJAX enhancements without a learning

As Craig mentioned, we wear our issues on our sleeves. If there are
any questions about just how stable Struts 2.0.1 is, or Struts 2.0.2
is so far, just browse JIRA and see for yourself. We try to log
everyting through JIRA to simplify creating the release notes.


On 12/22/06, Nagraj Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Ted

Are there any AJAX Tags related issues in S2.0.1?? I'm currently migrating
my project to 2.0.1, so in case there are any issues i'll start backing off.
I got certain postings which were discussing DOJO issues in it to which i'm
not much concerned right now. Overall i dont see any major issues in 2.0.1.
Correct me if i'm wrong.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <user@struts.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 1:25 AM
Subject: Re: [S2] Struts 2 GA Release Anytime Soon?

> On 12/21/06, Elie Ciment <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The beta tag doesn't sit so well with them up there.
> Yes, this is why we release the codebase and then decide on its
> quality. We can make the judgement on actual experience, ratther than
> guestimates. Unless we go back and re-release the XWork bits as a
> stable version, S2.01 is stuck with the beta tag, regardless of the
> quality of the build.
> Though, it still could happen any time. The stumbling block is the
> XWork beta/rc tag. Once that is resolved, everything else could be
> wrapped up the first time someone had a free day.
> -Ted.
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HTH, Ted.
* http://www.husted.com/struts/

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