
I have a small problem and was wondering if anyone else has come across

In Tomcat 5.5 (and possibly other versions), tomcat will check for the
existence of a file and if it doesn't exist send out a 404 before it can
be handled by struts when it comes to welcome-files...

For instance, if I have the following in my web.xml:


And someone visits a page by hitting the directory (i.e.
http://localhost/context-name/) and a valid mapping exists (maybe taking
them to index.jsp), tomcat will deliver a 404 error. However, if I make
a blank file called 'index.action,' Tomcat will appropriately handle the
request by passing it to struts. 

Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a better solution than making
a blank file called index.action? 

I tried making an index.html file, but I am also learning sitemesh and I
am having a heckuva time figuring out how to get sitemesh not to
decorate the index.html file. 

Wes Wannemacher
Director of Operations
Double A Trailer Sales, Inc.

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